Monday, July 18, 2011

Moose on the Loose

I have lived in Utah a long time - in fact my entire life except for a short 12-year visit to Kansas.  Living in Kansas we had many animals grace our yard from squirrels to rabbits and an occasional possum (boy are they ugly!)  Here in Utah we don't get as many, but once in a while we see a deer here or there.

But Saturday morning  we woke-up to quite the sight.

We were surprised to see this young bull moose wandering around our house trying to figure out where he was.  He was in the back yard by the trampoline and then came up to the front (see above.)  He then took a stroll down the street (see below) and over to the school play ground. Finding no other moose boys or girls to play with he strolled across the highway and into the next subdivision.

It was nice to have him visit but I hope he found his way back home.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Marathon Men

In the mid 1970s there was a movie with Dustin Hoffman called Marathon Man.  I don't remember him being a long-distance runner - I think he was running from bad guys.

Well hopefully we are the good guys! Michael, Christian and I all participated in the 2011 Northridge Fun Run 5K.  Michael, who usually prefers a bike, was kind enough to join us for his 2nd 5K and Christina ran in his very first!  Luckily for all of us I did not have a heart attack but lived to see another day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thomas Lyle & Celia Renee - Enchanted!

On April 30, 2011 Thomas Lyle Cooper and Celia Renee Verbitski were married in Salk Lake City.  It was a beautiful day - full of sunshine, smiles, two great families coming together and, of course, those little events that make the occasion memorable.  But we made it through the unexpected bumps in the road and the wedding, dinner and dance were wonderful.

 After exchanging vows it was finally time to exchange rings and tie the knot.  Thomas is a lucky man and we LOVE having Celia Renee as part of our family.
 Celia Renee enjoyed a dance with her father Michael.  Do you think he is smiling because Celia now belongs to Thomas?  Well, having given a daughter away I understand the joy that comes from with a day like this and to see the joy on your little girls face.

Faith enjoyed a very memorable dance with Thomas.  A little bitter-sweet when you let you son go but you gain a daughter.  Tears of joy.

The entire Cooper Clan was all decked-out for the occasion.  It was so nice to have Shane and Kris join us from Nephi.  Forrest was best man and everyone joined in the dancing and festivities.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Army of Heleman

It is official!  On Wednesday July 6, 2011 Elder Forrest John Cooper entered the MTC in preparation to leave on July 26th for the Oregon Eugene Mission.  He was excited to leave and is very well prepared to be a missionary.  It is something he has been preparing for his entire life.  There were no tearful goodbyes, just lots of smiles and happiness.

We received his first letter and quoting Elder Cooper "I love it here."  His MTC companion is Elder Johnson from Canada.  Half of his district is going to Eugene and the other half is going to Canada so there are seven Canadian Elders in his group.  One Elder said he had been to Camp Bartlett - and Forrest remembered finding his glasses at the bottom of the lake!  Lots of fun times ahead.

The Turner Award

Charity has always been a wonderful daughter.  But as school ended we were able to share part of her wonderfulness with the rest of North Layton Junior High.  At the end of the annual Awards Ceremony they give out The Turner Award to the student who shows excellence in academics, extra curricular activities and most of all, humanitarianism. 

The award recipient is selected by the teachers as they observe the students throughout the year.  They look for acts of kindness by students who are always putting others before themselves and looking out for those who are often left out.  They referred to Charity as the queen of random acts of kindness.  She was very surprised to be selected.  As they were describing the award winner she kept thinking "Who is this person" not realizing that it was her.  We were so proud of her, not for just getting the award, but for being the kind, giving and loving person she is.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 10, 2011 - Happy 24th Anniversary

It seems hard to believe that after 24 years, raising 7 children, participating in three weddings, moving to Kansas and back - and last but certainly not least - putting up with me, Faith is still smiling.  As you can tell from the above photo, Faith ages much more gracefully than I do.  Either that or I married her right out of Jr. High.

The truth be known, marring Faith was the greatest single event and the greatest blessing to ever take place in my life.  She has cared for our home and our children while I work, she studies the gospel and then shares all her new found insightes with me and most of all, she reaches out to help others.

I love my wife with all my heart.  She is my soul mate and my eternal companion.  She is my better half and will always be my guidance and inspiration.  Twenty-four years is such a short time when compared to what lies ahead, but I think we are off to a pretty good start.  Happy Anniversary sweetheart.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Daniel

It' s official - Daniel is 4-years old!  Faith and I had the chance to visit Reese and Tammy for a special birthday lunch with our grandson and the rest of the family.

We dined on pizza, salad and Faith's homemade bread sticks.  It really doesn't get much better than that.  We have included a few pictures for your enjoyment.  So from Grandma and Grandpa Cooper - "Happy Birthday" to the best grandson ever!

The happy family along with the birthday boy and Cookie Monster cupcakes.

Grandma Faith joins in the fun.

New Thomas The Train Engine PJs.  What a sharp dresser!


It's Sprig Already? Shut Up!

I love springtime.  The days become warm and inviting, the lawns green-up and I get to play in the yard.  The beautiful flowers start to bloom and I quickly realize that the long, cold winter has finally come to an end. 

The first thing to bloom is the Forsythia Bush with it's ubundant yellow flowers that are so bright in the spring sunshine.  We like to let it grow wild and crazy, it really adds to a festive year!

Next is our Ornimental Plum that is found in the front yard.  Wonderful pink flowers laced with a purple hue.  It aways adds a wonderful smell to the air when we sit on the front proch and watch the passers-by.

Then we get the Tulips - What an amazing aray of color with the reds, yellows, whites, purples and oranges. The cooler nights allow the blossems to last for a week or more, enableing all who stroll by to enjoy them.

But as I gaze at the calendar I am shocked at what I see. May? Is it really May? All of the wonderful creations God has allowed mt to have in my yard come to life at the end of March and early April. But May? Yes, it is sad but true. Let's hope the cooler nights last a little longer so I can continue to enjoy all these colors have to offer. I know its not nice to fool Mother Nature, but she has got the best of us this year.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Christian's Concert

Christian has been practicing the piano for about a year now.  He loves the pieces that move quickly and sound exciting.  He doesn't really LOVE to practice yet, but he has a patient mother that sits by him every morning and listens to his scales and works on his pieces with him.

We hope you enjoy listening to "The Tempest" by Nancy Faber.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Grandparent Week

As we continue with this new year, one of the first memorable things (after Chinese food with the Flittons) is grandparent week.  The calendar week runs from February 11th - 18th and is a time to remember our parents and our children's grandparents.  "So what is Grandparent Week?" you may ask.  Strange as it may seem, all four of our parents died in the same calendar week.

  My father, Dayle Wilson Cooper (1918 - 1973) passed away in Valentine's Day
  in 1973. Dad always had elevated blood pressure and cholesterol and had
  suffered two strokes. But on Valentine's Day he had a blood clot enter his lung
  and it hit him just like a heart attack. He passed away at home with mom holding
  his hand.   He gave it a squeeze just before he died. I remember the day well, I
  had been at   basketball practice at Granite High my sophomore year.

Three years later, Faith's father, Herrick Tune Muhlestein (1916 - 1976) died on February 11th and was buried on Valentine's Day. Herrick worked at Geneva Steel in Orem as a maintenance electrician. He was walking down the catwalk at work when he had a heart attack. They feel that he was dead before he hit the floor. Both fathers left behind young mothers and children at home. It was difficult for both families.

Joyce Terry Muhlestein (1934 - 2004) was only 42 when she was left a widow. She spent the rest of her life raising her posterity and serving others. She sang in the Tabernacle Choir among many groups. She served a mission with Marilyn Elizabeth in Louisiana. She loved her eight children and her forty-two grandchildren. I remember sitting on the couch downstairs listening to the Choir's Valentine's Day broadcast that year she died. They sang love songs and as I held her hand she longed to be with her Herrick again. Joyce died of cancer four days later on February 18th.

Mom (Priscilla Hendrix Cooper 1923 - 2007) was the last one. How we enjoyed our visits to Richfield to see her. She was active and always had energy. She was 49 when dad died and had worked for the church, filled three different missions and always raised a garden. She was surprised when they discovered lung cancer around Thanksgiving. It really took its toll quickly but I always thought she would hold on till the week came. And she did, passing away on February 11th. We buried her and dad on the same day, just 34 years apart.

Besides the happy memories of our parents, many other wonderful
things have happened during grandparent week.  I entered the LTM in preparation for my mission to Japan on February 10th - the day before Herrick died.  I started my career with New York Life on February 10, 1983 and have been in insurance ever since.  Faith and I had our first date at a Valentine's dance on the 13th.  We moved to Kansas on the 12th.  My letter from the First Presidency calling me as a Bishop was signed the 13th.

Much of our life as a family has been shaped by the events of Grandparent Week. Each year we look with a little anticipation to see what might come next. This year was very uneventful, but that is alright with us.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My 55th Year

Yesterday was the 1st day of my 55th year.  Being in the life insurance business for the past 28 years I constantly talk about life expectancy tables and mortality tables.  Both of these tables take into consideration occupation, avocations, personal health and family history.  I often refer to my own family history to offer an example.

My father died at the age of 54, as did my grandfather and great-grandfather.  As a 16-year old I thought my father was old. The older I have become the more I have come to realize just how incredibly young he really was.  I always thought that being born in 1918, driving a model T, and fighting in World War II made you old.  My children think that being born in the 50's and listening to the oldies radio station makes me old.  We had a party line growing up, listened to records, 4-tracks, 8-tracks and cassette tapes.  No one had cell phones, computers or microwaves.

I think of my father often, I miss him and wish I would have had him around longer to share my life with.  He once told me that the age 54 scared him and that if he could make it to 55 he could go to 100.  On the contrary I am excited for 54.  My health is good, I give blood regularly (I am up to my 8-gallon pin) and I watch my cholesterol and blood pressure.  In my training classes I always laugh and say "I take after my mom."

I miss my dad and can't wait to see him again.  But I can certainly wait another 25 to 30 years.  2011 has all the makings of a wonderfully fantastic year.  Thomas is getting married, Forrest will go on his mission, Charity will enter high school and start driving.  Not sure about the fantastic part of that last bit.  My job is going well and my wife loves me.  2011 will end on a real high note - I will turn 55!  May this new year bring blessings to each of you and your families.  Lyle