Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Turner Award

Charity has always been a wonderful daughter.  But as school ended we were able to share part of her wonderfulness with the rest of North Layton Junior High.  At the end of the annual Awards Ceremony they give out The Turner Award to the student who shows excellence in academics, extra curricular activities and most of all, humanitarianism. 

The award recipient is selected by the teachers as they observe the students throughout the year.  They look for acts of kindness by students who are always putting others before themselves and looking out for those who are often left out.  They referred to Charity as the queen of random acts of kindness.  She was very surprised to be selected.  As they were describing the award winner she kept thinking "Who is this person" not realizing that it was her.  We were so proud of her, not for just getting the award, but for being the kind, giving and loving person she is.

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