Sunday, November 7, 2010

Becoming a Techno Family

Faith said it was time for us to launch ourselves into the internet age and set-up our family blog.  I know Reese has a blog, so does Tammy, Alexis and Katie, why not me?  I am not sure ho winteresting, exciting or meaningful this will be, but I will do my best.  Stay tuned for dazzeling updates of all the adventures of the Cooper Clan.


  1. Way to go Coop!!! And yes, your truck is definitely Manly! John just HAD to get a truck when we got to Utah, and now I understand why! Love ya!!! --T

  2. Woo Hoo! I'm glad you jumped on board :) I'm excited to see post about the fam--even if I talk to mom every day so I know it all anyways :) Make sure to post lots of pictures! Then I can see your beautiful faces all the time, even though we're so far away.
